International Conference on

Artificial Intelligence
and Smart Vehicle

All of the accepted papers (in English) will be published as a volume of
Springer's Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) Book Series.

Workshops & Posters

Comming soon...


Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, lran


24 & 25 May 2023


The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Vehicle (ICAISV-2023) is hosted by the Amirkabir University of Technology. ICAISV-2023 will be held as a hybrid conference (in-person and virtual), with the physical conference conducted in Tehran, Iran, at May 24-25, 2023. In addition, conference events (workshops and tutorials) will be conducted on the these days. Accepted papers in the main conference, workshops, doctoral student dissertation abstracts, and Posters will be published in an electronic proceeding. All of the accepted papers (in English) will be published as a volume of Springer’s Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) Book Series. The Persian papers will be also published by CIVILICA. This conference will be also indexed by DBLP, EI Compendex, INSPEC, Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST), Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series, SCImago, SCOPUS, zbMATH and ISC.


Conference starts in . .. ...


Dr. Mehdi Ghatee

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran

Dr. S Mehdi Hashemi

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran

Conference Goals

The purpose of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Vehicles is to create a forum to collaborate by researchers, engineers, and professionals interested in the artificial intelligence and the advanced technologies of smart vehicles and intelligent transportation systems. This conference focuses on innovative tools of artificial intelligence such as machine learning, data mining, machine vision, image processing, signal analysis, DSS and expert systems, and their applications in smart vehicles. Data analyzing on vehicles black-box, ECUs, cellphones, smartwatches and wireless communications for pedestrians and vehicle safety are highly acknowledged. Connected vehicles advances by considering V2V, V2I and V2X connections are also welcome. In addition, smart manufacturing and data mining for vehicle designing and marketing are also our focus. Finally, intelligent infrastructures in roads and control centers to improve vehicle movement are also included in the specialized areas of the conference.


(But Not Limited)

Artificial intelligence methods

Machine learning applications

Image processing

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Smart roads

Driver assistant systems

Electric & hybrid electric vehicles

Connected vehicles

Autonomous vehicles

Safety systems for vehicles, cyclists, motorcyclists, and pedestrians

Safety and comfort in autonomous vehicles

Smart applications for driver identification, driver evaluation and accidents analysis

Public transportation, freight transportation, Hazmat transportation

Legal and insurance issues of smart cars

Vehicle manufacturing, designing, and marketing

Thanks in advance to our generous sponsors

Amirkabir University of Technology

Novelties, Optimization & Redesigning of Cities (NORC)

Iran Road Maintenance & Transportation Organization

Amper Innovation Center

Center for Information Technology and Communications

quality management society of iran

Novelties, Optimization & Redesigning of Cities (NORC)

Iran Road Maintenance & Transportation Organization

Amper Innovation Center

Center for Information Technology and Communications


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On All Tickets

Don’t hesitate and buy tickets today – All tickets are at a special price until 15.08.2021. Hope to see you there :)